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Magic and Ether Empty Magic and Ether

Post by The one true Aesir Mon Jun 13, 2016 4:10 am

Magic and Ether, breath of the Yggdrasil

Magic is the very foundation of Aesirian rule over Humanity. Magic is a power to control, induce, and create earthly phenomena or manipulate what already exists. The ability to create a fire from nothing, the ability to smite foes with bolts of lightning, and the ability to warp time and space itself are all possibilities if magic is used properly.

While not all of the Aesirian races can use magic, those that can't still have long life spans due to their body storing Ether, which is magical energy. This magical energy is stored in the appendix. While humans have an appendix, it is Vestigial and no longer functions. Should a human's appendix somehow become active, their life span would increase and they may or may not gain the ability to use magic.

Ether is considered to be the breath of Yggdrasil and this invisible energy flows and fluctuates in veins as a network, with some places being more potent than others, the most potent of places tend to be where people congregate naturally without much thought, and cities are born. When the network changes and potency lowers, people leave for more potent places. Such is true for all life.
The one true Aesir
The one true Aesir

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